Navigating Uncertainty

City and business leaders take decisions every day - on physical development, infrastructure investment, and organisational form - that will play out over many years. 

In a world of increasing complexity and rapidly changing technology, it can be difficult to make the right choices.

Nobody can precisely predict the future. We can, however, use tools like trends analysis, horizon-scanning and scenario planning to understand how things might play out and develop a robust and resilient response. Some mega-trends have such inbuilt momentum that they’re very likely to shape the future context; other disruptors are just coming into view.  

In the face of these possible futures, organisations can future-proof big decisions andplan the pathways to the future that they and the world need.

Horizon-scanning Drivers of Change

Understanding the changing technology and policy context, now and in the future. Identifying the head-winds and tail-winds. Thinking creatively about the future context for success.


Future-Proofing Strategy

Future-proofing the current business model or investment opportunity against trends, scenarios and wildcards. Drawing on lessons and best-practice. Preparing for what the future might throw at you.

Pathways to the Future

Creating a vision and strategy that helps to navigate the future. Back-casting from future goals to current actions.